BindView - Forget "Cyber Terrorism", Beware the Real Threats
Sourse: Computer Business Review Online
Date: October 17, 2003
So-called "cyber terrorism" is hype, and companies should instead be seriously concerned about the next wave of viruses to hit the internet, one of BindView Corp's senior security experts will advise this morning.
BindView's Mark Loveless, who often goes by the handle "Simple Nomad", will tell the BindView Insight User Conference 2003: "Buying into the hype around security threats like Cyber-terrorism causes organizations to be distracted from the real risks."
According to the company, in his closing remarks at the conference, Loveless will say: "CyberReality is that the enemy is everywhere, and it is imperative that organizations adopt security management practices to help them accurately assess their risk tolerance and better safeguard critical IT assets."
Scott Blake, BindView's VP of security, is scheduled to say: "The determination we witnessed from the hacking community this year with viruses like Sobig and worms like Blaster indicate that we can expect even more intense security threats in 2004.
BindView, which makes vulnerability assessment software, issued a set of five predictions for 2004, which it called "The Year of the Superworm". The number of worms may not grow, but their speed and potency will, the firm said.
The company also expects online crime to "skyrocket", and that new US laws will require companies to disclose security breaches where users' personal information is compromised. Such a law, known as SB 1386, already exists in California.
BindView also predicts that the amount of public vulnerability disclosure will drop, as the "fear of personal liability" kicks in. New vulnerability information businesses will launch, the company said, and criminals will pay for zero-day vulnerability data "assuming that this is not already happening".
Finally, the company also reckons that the chief security officer post at companies will start becoming more white-collar, more often filled by MBA graduates - "business-focused executives versus technologists".
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