^macro[html_start;Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia brisk up the cybercrime-fighting; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia brisk up the cybercrime-fighting; Ministry, Internal, Affairs, Russia, brisk up, cybercrime-fighting] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia brisk up the cybercrime-fighting

By Andrey Belousov
Date: October 30, 2003

Cyber Crimes "The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is going to brisks up the cybercrime-fighting", - the chief of Federal service on struggle against economic crimes at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russia Sergey Veryovkin-Rahalsky said. "Nowadays offenders use the Internet to develop 'financial pyramids', and Russian law enforcements are critically concerned about this", - Verevkin-Rahalsky said.

The false companies invite participants on conditions that they bring certain sum to the plastic card. Offenders promise to pay them interest on deposit. Then plastic cards are used for purchasing not existing goods in Internet-shop, and money are accumulated by offenders. After that the company-organizer disappears.
The deputy minister informed that 12 criminal cases on such 'financial pyramides' have been already brought to the court. And 8 incidents are still investigated.

Computer Crime Research Center

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