^macro[html_start;ISP's "Black Box" is accessible to Law Enforcement;ISP's "Black Box" is accessible to Law Enforcement; ISP, "Black Box", accessible, Law Enforcement] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

ISP's "Black Box" is accessible to Law Enforcement

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: November 26, 2003

Computer Crime As it is known, Verhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the bills developed for monitoring Internet and fighting cyber-crime. According to Security Service of Ukraine, the access to ISP’s “black boxes” will be limited^; these data will be accessible to high-ranking officers of Security Service of Ukraine by special order.

However some funds believe that there is a certain attack of special services to freedom of the Internet and telecommunications. Thereupon, Reporters Without Borders addressed to Prime Minister of Ukraine Mr. Victor Yanukovich with call to carry out consultations on issue “freedom of speech” with organizations and experts engaged in the Internet activity.

According to “Reporters Without Borders” the passed bills on the Internet monitoring give the right to law enforcement to control on-line publications, private correspondence, and to provide the censorship in the Internet.
Inna Vedmedenko, the lawyer of Mass media Institute (the representative of “Reporters Without Borders”) said that according to the mentioned bills everybody has to be prepared to get in list of suspects liable to perlustration. Idea of the Internet is at variance with regulation as a matter of principle. Internet can’t be in somebody’s property: persons, businesses, and government. That’s why, legislation regulating Internet has to meet the requirements of the standards of international law. It is impossible to separate Ukrainian Internet from the WorldNet. Thus, the requirements to this law are to be advanced.

Computer Crime Research Center

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