By Alex Dyatlov
Authorizations of data transit between interconnected networks
Authorizations of data transit between interconnected networks are defined and
set up into Network Access Control Systems (NACS).
Regardless of different NACS configurations, it is possible, at the present
time, via several evasion methods, to use authorized streams to transit
arbitrary data whose traffic is not allowed or thought of, thus building what is
often presented as a "covert channel".
A lot of covert channels and tunneling approaches are available as papers or
exploitation tools at the present time. Some are hidden into lower layers of the
OSI model whereas other are hidden into the higher one.
As the HTTP protocol is one of the most widely used protocol at the present
time, one can consider that designing tunneling and covert channel tools over it
is something researchers as much as network administrators should think about.
Various design aspects can be taken into consideration when implementing an
HTTP Client/Server covert channel tool : What kind of server model can be
implemented (Httpd-like, Proxy-like, CGI-Like) - How can the tool be designed to
add confusion from a traffic watcher point of view (Server proxy chain,
Intermediaries distributed servers, Almost-real proxy server and legitimate
third-party models) - What kind of functionality can be implemented into the
covert channel (Single application client and Single application client proxy
modes, Server proxy mode, Client reverse connection proxy mode and Proprietary
user defined protocol mode).
Then, when the HTTP covert channel client/server tool is modelized, designers
can think about how their design could be applied in a real world environment :
What kind of HTTP method can be used (With or Without Message body, be using the
CONNECT method or not ?) - What kind of HTTP legitimate servers can be used to
transit the arbitrary data stream through the NACS (HTTP and reverse proxies,
other applications).
Designing covert channel tools also implies to consider their security
underlying aspects : Server and client authentication and authorization, data
stream ciphering and integrity, protection against replay. Another special
consideration should be taken during the development stage itself to get a clean
source code which (as much as possible) is exempt of bad parts.
Since the corner stone of covert channel methods relies on their intrinsic
stealthness, a particular attention can be paid on using specific covering and
steganographic techniques to confuse an eventual observer.
Hiding data into HTTP requests and responses (HTTP headers and body) with
steganographic methods, adding random and/or specifically crafted confusing
traffic, designing confusing servers which are not what they seem to be.
All of these methods drastically increase the stealthness of covert channels.
The Gray-World "Exploitation of data streams authorized by a network access
control system for arbitrary data transfers : tunneling and covert channels over
the HTTP protocol" paper presents these concepts to researchers and NACS
administrators to explain that each time an administrator thinks he only allows
the HTTP protocol to get in and out of his internal network, he also allows
arbitrary data transfers through his secured perimeter.
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