Computer Crime Research Center


Victims of cyber crime

Date: April 17, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Viktor Sabadash

Companies are the main victims of cyber crimes. But neither state authorities, nor individuals are insured against cyber criminals.

A survey, what was carried out among companies in the USA, showed that 85% of companies at least once incurred network attacks. In the report of the British Communication Systems Management Association researchers note that one third of firms and state institutions deal with hackers. Last year 22,000 attempts of unauthorized intrusion into systems of the Pentagon, the USA, were filed. The FBI revealed more than 5 thousand of corporate or departmental networks that had no protection from cracking. Such situation could destabilize the economy of the whole country, said Ronald L. Dick Director, National Infrastructure Protection Center, the FBI, the USA.

Economic effects of these crimes in cyber space can hardly be predicted since computer crimes are very latent and registered offences make up only a little part of all crimes committed on the Internet. A number of studies conducted in Europe illustrate that only 33% of victims turn to police.

According to existing estimations, only credit cards frauds bring $400m damage annually, viruses for the same period bring $12b losses. Missed profits caused by illegal use of patents and trade marks amount to $250b annual losses in total. It makes up 5% of world trading turnover.
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2007-01-05 05:36:53 - hi and trent i no u 2 so dont call us gay a person u need 2 fear
2006-11-26 18:14:33 - hi emma!!!! 4
2006-11-26 01:29:14 - ur all gay trent bigwood
2006-11-24 19:58:05 - *im a person u need 2 fear lol
2006-11-24 02:31:42 - i no where u all live lol i gunna eye... a person u need 2 fear lol
2006-11-24 02:29:43 - hey ppl i no u lol a person u need 2 fear lol
2006-11-24 02:25:00 - boo hoo u freak lol 4
2006-11-24 02:24:15 - *cry 4
2006-11-24 02:24:00 - who is this gay person who thinks he is a... 4
2006-10-30 20:14:28 - Let me guess who u r any... Cool girl
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