Florida Offers Web Site On Cyberterrorism
Terrorist attacks can come in many forms, including cyberterrorism. Now, there is now a new Web site available to Florida businesses and residents to help them deal with a cyber-attack.
The site, www.secureflorida.org, is designed to help protect Florida's cyber-infrastructures by alerting the public to any potential cyber-attacks. Once a person or business registers with the site, they will receive alerts by email, text messaging or by cell phone.
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Tim Moore said a cyber-attacker with a laptop and a phone line can strike from anywhere in the world and bring down a network anywhere in the state.
The Web site will also provide educational information on a variety of subjects, such as network intrusions and disaster recovery planning in the event of an attack. It's designed to answer questions that state residents and businesses might have about cyberterrorism.
Several state agencies, private groups and businesses formed yjr Florida Infrastucture Protection Center, which created the site.
Source: www.thewpbfchannel.com
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