^macro[html_start;The Organized Criminal Activity Becomes Transnational;The Organized Criminal Activity Becomes Transnational;Organized, Criminal, Activity, Becomes, Transnational] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

The Organized Criminal Activity Becomes Transnational

(By G. Zorin, professor)

Information technologies (IT) are one of the most important factors influencing formation of a society. IT become the vital stimulus of development of a world society.

The information society allows people to use the potential and to realize the aspirations more widely. For this purpose we should do so, that IT served achievement of the complementary purposes for ensuring of steady economic growth, increase of public welfare, stimulation of the social consent and full realization of the potential in the field of strengthening the democracy, responsible management, human rights, development of cultural variety and strengthening of an international peace and stability.

Modern communication technologies and extensive relations of the organized crime have facilitated an establishment of contacts to partners in other countries and on other continents^; modern bank systems of electronic payments enable to carry out the international criminal transactions connected first of all with "money laundering" and a various sort of financial frauds.

The process of becoming criminality as transnational (transnationalization), i.e. its crossing the borders of national territory, is the international process, in the main, it is one of highest levels of criminal evolution.

The transnational organized criminal activity is the most rational and professional part of criminal behavior^; the most typical for it phenomena is the aspiration to reduce the possible risk up to minimum and to take the maximal profit.

The transnational organized criminal activity is understood as realization of the illegal operations by the criminal organizations connected to move the streams of the information, money, physical objects, people, other material and non-material resources through frontiers with the purpose of use the favorable market conditions in one or several foreign states for reception an essential economic gain, and also for effective evasion from the social control with the help of corruption, violence and use of significant distinctions in systems of criminal justice of different states.

Thus, the organized criminal activity becomes transnational if it is connected to illegal operations on moving material and non-material means through frontiers which bring an essential economic gain^; the transnational organized crime uses the favorable market conditions of other states, significant distinctions in systems of criminal justice of the different countries, and also penetration into their legal economy with the help of corruption and violence.

In this connection the following developments are necessary:

1. Diagnostic and forecast analysis of globalization of struggle against transnational crime (various kinds).
2. Tracking modern lines and technologies in development of criminal situational characteristic.
3. Development of prospects and strategy of transnational criminalistics' evolution.
4. Prospects and tendencies of development criminalistics tactics on transnational crimes investigation.
5. Development of system of the international contractual relations in struggle against the international criminality.
6. Development of problems, methods and decisions in struggle against the external economic criminality.
7. Introduction of new methods of struggle against computer crimes (cybercrimes), and also technologies of use of personal computers for struggle against information crimes.
8. The diagnostic analysis of processes of the transnational organized crime origin and its danger to the world community.
9. Formation of technologies of the organized crime studying in the international documents.
10. Development of the international cooperation in sphere of criminal trial.
11. Legal regulation of the international search and confiscation of property and the incomes received in the criminal way.
12. A formulation of characteristics of transnational criminal groups and fields of the transnational criminal organizations' activity.
13. Formation of technologies of the transnational criminal's (group's) psychological portrait creation.
14. Development of tactical ways of crimes committed by organized transnational groups investigation.
15. Development of forecast the criminal situations connected to revealing and investigation of terrorism and criminal bursts.
16. Construction and use criminalistics hypertexts during the organized transnational crimes counteraction.
17. Creation of the scientific concept of transnational bank criminalistics and means of these crimes fighting.
18. A formulation of criminalistics concepts «Computer Crimes Criminalistics».
19. Research and development of a technique of search and arrests the property abroad, received as a result of criminal acts.
20. Development criminal-remedial concepts of ex-tradition (delivery of criminals).
21. Development of remedial rules and criminalistics regulation of the international transfer of documents and criminal cases with transnational character under the agreement between the interested states.
22. Development of the concept criminal-remedial videoconferences as the new remedial action providing investigatory actions by inspectors of the different countries, connected by the contracts about mutual aid, on concrete criminal case.
23. Development of «Criminalistics Thesaurus (encyclopedia) on special models of interrogations», that will provide the unified highly productive effect of interrogations.
24. Development information criminalistics means of economic crimes investigation.
25. Formation of theoretical conceptual bases of preparation of transnational, local contracts and agreements on individual questions of struggle against transnational crimes.
26. Preparation of the transnational penitentiary criminalistics concept.
27. Development of the system-structural concept of «Transnational criminalistics» as the branches of "parent" criminalistics.
28. Development of the International criminal-remedial transnational code concept (uniting system of international conventions norms).
29. Develop the concept of creation of the Transnational Criminalistics International Science Centre.
30. Prospects and strategy of methodology development (transnational criminalistics).
31. Prospects and tendencies of criminalistics tactics development on transnational crimes investigation.
32. Problems, methods and decisions in struggle against the external economic criminality.
33. New methods of struggle against the international crimes (trafficking of people, murders, capture of hostages, etc.).
34. Formation of information technologies «Implantation of United Nations' conventions norms into the National Right».
35. Development of the encyclopedic directory on criminalistics (ways, methods, means of struggle against the organized transnational crime).

There is a crucial necessity not only in development of new information criminalistics technologies, but also in their integration and associations capable to make a complex of transnational organized crimes counteraction. The duly incorporated set of intellectual approaches to struggle against criminality allows diagnosing rationally tendencies and symptoms of criminal activity (including terrorism).

1. Keohane R., Nye J. Transnational relations and World Politics. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1971. P. xii^; the Help document of the World conference on the organized transnational criminality at a level of ministers // Naples, November, 21-23, 1994, E/CONF 88/2.1994.18 August.


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