^macro[html_start;Cyberattacks Monitoring Points TO U.S.;Cyberattacks Monitoring Points TO U.S.; Cyberattacks, Monitoring, Points, U.S.] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Cyberattacks Monitoring Points TO U.S.

Stop Cybercrime and Syberterrorism

Computer Crime Research Center conducted monitoring on determining location of cyberattacks’ sources.

Researches have shown: the quantity of such attacks for 4 months 2003 has increased on 25 % in comparison with the similar period of the last year. It is interesting, that 40 % of attacks were result of hackers’ activity from the USA. Germans essentially "lag behind" them - 7,6 %^; cyberterrorists from South Korea have launched - 7,4 %^; from China - 6,9 %.

Among the countries where are more than 1 million users, Israel is in the lead by quantity of attacks - at the rate of attacks for one user. So, about 35 "cyberterrorists" fall at 10 thousand users in this country.

Among the countries there are less than 1 million Internet users, Kuwait has bore the palm by quantity of cyberattacks - 50 cyberterrorists fall at 10 thousand users.


Cybercrime News Archive

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