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Security chiefs worry about police state

Source: Dayton BusinessJournal
Date: May 14, 2003

vspace="0" Chief security officers and senior security executives are worried that the United States could be on its way to becoming a police state, according to a poll released Monday by CSO magazine. When considering the impacts of Patriot Acts I and II, nearly a third of respondents (31 percent) said they think the United States is in jeopardy of becoming a police state. Thirty-six percent (36 percent) do not think the Bush administration's goal of regime change in Iraq will ultimately improve national security at home. And 41 percent of CSOs do not think the terror-threat information provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is timely or accurate.
Poll results reveal a growing number of CSOs are monitoring cybercrime attempts (92 percent vs. 78 percent in December), monitoring crimes (56 percent vs. 52 percent in December) and reporting crimes (59 percent up from 56 percent in December) . Only 24 percent of the respondents have insurance covering losses from cybercrimes, up slightly from 22 percent in December. But despite increased reporting levels, only a small number of CSOs (14 percent) are quantifying the financial cost of cybercrime, with 70 percent reporting no activity in this area. Those who calculate such costs say the top factors included in their calculations are the actual costs of fixing the vulnerability and restoring operational capability, plus estimates of lost productivity.

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