^macro[html_start;Hi-Tech Crime Predictor;Hi-Tech Crime Predictor;Hi-Tech, Crime, Predictor, cybercrime, Hacking] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Hi-Tech Crime Predictor

Source: CBSnews.com
Date: May 17, 2003

Stop Cybercrimes and Syberterrorism (CBS) More than a decade of extensive crime data collection matched with new technology may soon allow police to predict the number and type of crimes that will occur in a given neighborhood one month in advance.
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University plan to release software later this summer that, according to computer models, can predict the number and types of crimes that will occur within a 10-block area with a 20 percent error rate.
"This is the next generation of crime mapping," said Wilpen Gorr, a Carnegie Mellon professor of public policy and management information systems.
A small team of researchers are running final tests on the project funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research wing of the Department of Justice.
Researchers used crime data from Pittsburgh and Rochester, N.Y., collected between 1990 and 2001. Full story

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