Cyber Terrorism: experts are afraid of...
By Timofey Saytarly
Date: June 16, 2003
Every day we become more and more dependent on a personal computer in day-to-day activity...
The national critical infrastructure is more vulnerable now, especially, those vital elements related to communication and nuclear power. The problem of cyberterrorism is a point of issue in press, TV and Internet. Unfortunately, there are a lot of hearings and gossips over this theme that impedes the creation of effective system of fighting cyberterrorism.
Cyber attacks (the ways of cyber terror) can be launched on any computer system of any state without warning and latent^; or cyberattacks can be used by the various terrorist organizations as the new form of terror with the use of non-traditional weapon.
Is there a threat of cyber terrorism now? For the moment, there is no authentic statistics on cyberterrorism acts except on attacks and harm from known network worms. It is impossible to overrate the potential cyberterrorists, but it is the worst - to underrate and to be mistaken in their abilities and criminal intentions. The reality of cyber threat grows depending on economic and technical potential of concrete terrorist organization, like in case of Al-Qaeda which poses a real global threat.
Unlike traditional terrorists using explosive and weapon in their criminal purpose achievement, the cyberterrorists use modern information technologies, computer systems and the networks, the special software intended for non-authorized access to computer systems, and the removed attacks to information resources of a victim.
In view of the use new achievements of science and technology by terrorists organizations, it is possible to make a conclusion, that there are conditions for cyberterrorism development, and the threat of cyber terror will grow every year.
Computer Crime Research Center
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