The Ukrainian service of domain names was attacked by hackers
Date: June 29, 2003
The American server of the company (Ukrainian registrar of domain names) has been attacked by hackers. According to representatives of, cyberattack has caused significant damage to the company and its clients.
Attack has taken place in the beginning of this week.
According to the press-service, malefactors have put an appreciable loss both the company, and its clients. "It is difficult to estimate real sum of loss as we have lost a lot of information which was very important for our clients", - the general director Liubomir Gaydamak said.
Server is in restoration now.
Nevertheless, the majority of the important information on clients of, is irrevocably lost. The company temporarily places the information on clients at other servers.
"More reliable OS (FreeBSD) will be established on the attacked server. Also, company will continue process of updating of server park, out-of-date Software and accessories", - press-service informed.
"We make a decision to use operational system FreeBSD at all our servers. We made such changes at the local servers more than year ago, and we are satisfied with work of this OS", - Eugeny Nechiporenko, technical director said.
Computer Crime Research Center
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