^macro[html_start;How much Internet users in Ukraine?;How much Internet users in Ukraine?; Internet, users, Ukraine] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

How much Internet users in Ukraine?

Date: August 09, 2003

Internet According to Kiev international institute of sociology, for last two years the quantity of Internet users in Ukraine has grown more than in one and a half time. There are 3,2 million Internet users in Ukraine, that makes 8 % of the population. 25000 respondents were interrogated in all regions of Ukraine and Crimea. So, the percent of Internet users in Ukraine has grown - from 6 up to 10% among urban population^; and among urban population in the age of from 18 till 45 years the quantity of users has grown from 9 up to 15 %. Polling also has found out, that the majority of users (74 %) have access to a network at the work, instead of home. 13 % use the Internet at home, and at the work as well^; and 13 % - only at home.

Men use the Internet more often, than women (accordingly 9,5 % and 5,2 %). The percent the Internet users is essentially reduced with the ages. So, the greatest quantity of users is among persons at age of 18-19 years (27 % of men and 18 % of women). From 20 to 29 years: 19% of men and 12% of women use the Internet. At the age of 30-49 years: 9 % of men and 6 % of women. Over the 60 aged users is 1 % in Ukraine, and quantity of women and men is equal. The percent of Internet users in Ukraine is much less, than in economically advanced countries, and approximately same, as in Brazil, Argentina and Russia. Sweden has the greatest parameter of Internet users - 62 % of the population, India has the least parameter -1 %.

Computer Crime Research Center

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