^macro[html_start;Computer Crime Research Center - Computer Crime Articles] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Computer Crime Articles - 2000

  1. Serge Krasavin What is Cyber-terrorism?
  2. Cyber Crime - It Could Happen to You
  3. Dave Pettinari Computer Forensics Processing Checklist (Pueblo High-Tech Crimes Unit)
  4. Dave Pettinari Cyberstalking investigation and prevention (Pueblo High-Tech Crimes Unit)
  5. Research Needs for Computer Crime Introduction
  6. Vladimir Golubev Organization and legal problems prevention of transnational computer crime
  7. Vladimir Golubev Cyber-crime and legal problems of usage network the Internet
  8. Peter Grabosky Telecommunications and Crime: Dimensions and Dilemmas

  9. 2005  ^; 2004 (98) ^; 2003 (79) ^; 2002 (62) ^; 2001 (19)  ^; 1999 (3)

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