Computer Crime Articles - 2001
- Advisor Radar How Pervasive Is Cyber-Crime?
- Bob Balzer Two in Reserve: A Policy for Countering Cyber-Terrorism
- James E. Just Some Useful Capabilities in Countering Cyber Terrorism
- Walter Tirenen White Paper for a Strategic Cyber Defense Concept: Deterrence Through Attacker Identification
- David Penfold Cybber Crime and Human Rights
- Chetan Nagendra Cyber Crime - It Could Happen to You
- Barry C. Collin The Future of CyberTerrorism: Where the Physical and Virtual Worlds Converge
- Mark M. Pollitt CyberTerrorism - Fact or Fancy?
- Vladimir Golubev The Training of Experts in Investigation of Computer Crimes
- Elena Kupriaschina (CCPRC's expert) Fraud in Internet - The Ways of Solution
- Phil Williams Organized Crime and Cybercrime: Synergies, Trends, and Responses
- Terrance Roebuck Packet-level Denial of Service Attacks
- Steve Gibson. The strange tale of the Denial of service
- Susan Brenner Is There Such a Thing as "Virtual Crime"?
- Vladimir Golubev Using of computer systems accountability technologies in the fight against cyber crimes
- Vladimir Golubev Peculiarities of investigating cyber crimes
- Vladimir Golubev Business trip to the USA by the Ukrainian researchers(Part II) ...
- Vladimir Golubev Business trip to the USA by the Ukrainian researchers(Part I) ...
- Vladimir Golubev, Vladislav Gavlovsky, Vitaly Cimbaluk . Security Information: problems of struggle with crimes in sphere of usage the computer technologists .– Zaporozhye.–“Prosvita”, 2001.-257p.