Computer Crime Articles - 2002
- Natalya Akhtyrskaya The organized crime in sphere of information technologies
- Vladimir Golubev Struggle Against Cyberterrorism in modern conditions
- P.Berzin Bank Computer Crimes Classification
- Susan W. Brenner Brenner Articles
- I. Voronov The methods of determining the facts of modern special devices use by criminal groups in Internet
- Vivienne Fisher E-Terrorism: An online war?
- Robert Lemos Cyberterrorism: The real risk
- David Canton Legislation targets cybercrime
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Criminal characteristic of crimes committed in the banking system by using up-to-date information technologies
- Vladimir Golubev Cyberterrorism as the new form of terrorism
- Andrey Belousov Plastic Payment Means Crimes: their Classification and Characteristic
- Natalya Akhtyrskaya The situational analysis of informatization development and the organized crime in Ukraine
- A. Sńhetilov Some problems of cyber crime and cyber terrorism fighting
- A. Shatalov , A. Parhomenko Cybercrimes' Criminalistics Charakteristic
- Dr. Stanislav L. Kataev Criminalistic and social aspects cyber criminality
- Dr. Mudawi Mukhtar Protecting Digital Information
- Vladimir Golubev Computer crime fighting problems
- Andrey Belousov Safety problems in the field of plastic cards use
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Special knowledge in the criminal cases investigation on computer crimes
- Natalya Akhtyrskaya The classification of plastic cards crimes fulfillment mechanism
- Vladimir Golubev Criminological crime characteristic in the sphere of computer technology use
- Vladimir Golubev It is necessary to think of computer criminality counteraction today – tomorrow will be late
- Michael Vatis Can the U.S. Investigate a Cyber Attack?
- Matthew Devost, Brian Houghton, Neal Pollard Information Terrorism: Can You Trust Your Toaster?
- Pamela Griner Cybercrimes
- Pavel Berzin The Investigations Peculiarities of the Plunders Made with Counterfeit Bank Payment Cards Use
- Michael Singer Feds Launch CHIP To Fight Cyber Crime
- David Icove, Karl Seger, William VonStorch Fighting Computer Crime
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Bank activity’s bases concerning automation of electronic payments
- Natalya Akhtyrskaya Crimes classification in the sphere of computer technologies as individual and pesthole
- Andrey Belousov Plastic Card as the Payment Tool at Clearing Settlements in Ukraine
- Vladimir Golubev The computer information as the proof on criminal case
- Vladimir Golubev The Justice Questions of Cyber Crime
- Vladimir Golubev, Alexander Golovin Problems of Iinvestigation of Crimes in the Field of Banking Computer Systems
- Vladimir Golubev Initial investigating actions related to detecting cyber crimes
- Greg Taylor The Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention
- Michael Morgenstern The Truths of Cyber-Terrorism
- Vikki Spencer Cyber Terrorism: Mass Destruction or Mass Disruption?
- Kevin Poulsen Lamo bumped from NBC after hacking them
- Bryan Robinson Taking a Byte Out of Cybercrime Evolving Crime
- John Leyden OECD updates network security guidelines
- Scott Charney, Kent Alexander Computer Crime
- Robyn Greenspan Cyberterrorism Concerns IT Pros
- Jay Lyman NIPC Asks for Help on Cyber Alerts
- Peter K. Yu What Businesses Should Know About Cyberterrorism
- Barton Gellman Cyber-Attacks by Al Qaeda Feared
- Matt Caterinicchia Training targets computer crimes
- Jeanne Albanese On-line violence often teen vs. teen
- David H. Freedman What eBay Isn't Telling You
- Sharon Gaudin Social Engineering: The Human Side Of Hacking
- Sharon Gaudin Tough Computer Crime Bill Clears Hurdle
- Paul Desmond Experts Warn of Cyber Terrorist Attacks
- Jack Karp Is computer-generated child porn really child porn? What could be a landmark battle makes its way to the Supreme Court
- Jaikumar Vijayan Experts predict major cyberattack coming
- Dan Verton Bill with tougher penalties on cybercriminals passes House
- Mudawi Mukhtar Computer Crime: The New Threat
- Andy McCue UK still not reporting cyber crime
- Chris Duque Cyber Crime Tips
- Sarah Granger Social Engineering Fundamentals, Part II: Combat Strategies
- Sarah Granger Social Engineering Fundamentals, Part I: Hacker Tactics
- Matt Berger FBI: Cybersecurity is priority No. 3
- Stephen Holcroft Incident Analysis of a Compromised RedHat Linux 6.2 Honeypot
- Peter Bylenchuk Organized transnational computer crime: the global problem of the third millenium