Computer Crime Articles - 2003
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Computer Crime: New Kind of Professional Crime
- Andrey Belousov Software Legalization in Ukraine
- Vladimir Golubev Criminals in Computer Related Crimes
- Jack M. Germain Computer Viruses and Organized Crime
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Criminalistic Analysis in Computer Crime Investigation
- Fighting the worms of mass destruction
- Questions for CCRC Director Asked and Answered
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Interrogation of Suspects in Investigating Computer Crime
- Andrey Belousov Information Resources Security
- Timofey Saytarly Fighting Child pornography
- Vladimir Golubev Criminal and Legal Aspects of Fighting Computer Crime
- Questions for DoJ IP Attorneys Asked and Answered
- Crime Victimization About the Same as Last Year
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Legal Problems of Information Security
- Vladimir Golubev Computer Information Is an Object of Legal Relationship
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Secret Search in Fighting Cybercrime
- Kevin Coleman Cyber Terrorism
- A.J. Surin To catch a cybercriminal
- No State is capable of opposing cybercrime without help today
- Andrey Belousov Legal aspects of e-commerce
- Vladimir Golubev Some problems of investigating cybercrimes
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Manners of misappropriation in the bank computer systems
- Vladimir Golubev Interview: "No State is capable of opposing cybercrime without help today"
- Vladimir Golubev Interview: Computer Crime Research Center director Vladimir Golubev
- Vladimir Golubev Cyberterrorism as a new form of terrorism
- Vladimir Golubev Plastic cards in Ukraine – fraud classification
- Timofey Saytarly, Vladimir Golubev Typical schemes of outflow of capital and money laundering in Ukraine
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Cybercrime criminological researches
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Fighting crimes committed in the bank computer systems
- Andrey Korotkov “Computer war” FBI vs. Russian Federal Security Service
- Andrey Belousov Government regulating Information Technologies
- Mikhael Gutsaluk Fighting Cybercrimes
- Vladimir Golubev Computer information has to be protected as a proprietary
- Vitaliy Nomokonov Vladivostok Organized Crime Research Center
- Andrey Belousov Some aspects of investigating computer crimes
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Ways of committing information technology crimes in the banking system of Ukraine
- Howard Schmidt The Interview
- Alexandr Baranov Digital Legislation
- Vladimir Golubev Fighting computer crimes in Ukraine
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Legal expertise in investigating cybercrime
- Vladimir Golubev Computer Crime Research Center: two years in fighting cybercrime!
- Andrey Belousov Features of investigating copyright and related right infringements
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Typical inquiry situations and expert ways of their settlement
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Some questions of specialists’ involvement into computer crime investigation
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Concept of “information monitoring” should be fixed in Ukraine’s Criminal Code
- Vladimir Golubev Tactical Features of Inquiry Actions at Computer Crime Investigation
- Alex Dyatlov Authorizations of data transit between interconnected networks
- Andrey Belousov Criminalistics Characteristic of Crimes Connected to Copyrights
- Timofey Saytarly Internet-security: interests should be balanced
- Remarks by Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge To the National Press Club
- David Canton Cyber attacks a concern
- Dmitrie Chepchugov Chief of “K” department is interviewed on cyber-crimes
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Improvement of Ukrainian Criminal Law in Fighting Cybercrimes
- Valeriy Cherkasov Information Technologies And Organized Crime
- Timofey Saytarly Homeland Security: National Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Vladimir Golubev Criminalistics Characteristic of Cybercrimes’ Committers
- Joan Quiglry Cyber-safety or cyber-snooping? Software shows parents what kids are doing online
- Richard Power How difficult is it to quantify the effects of cyber criminal activity?
- David Canton Internet filters pose challenge
- Kristy Westphal Steganography Revealed
- Andrey Belousov Software Legalization in Ukraine
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Crimes' Criminalistics Characteristic
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Problems of juvenile psychology of persons committing crimes in the sphere of information technology
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Peculiarities of search tactics during investigation of computer crimes
- Vladimir Golubev Some questions of computer crimes investigation
- Richard Steinberger Proactive vs. Reactive Security
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Some aspects of international counteraction to crimes committed by using information technologies
- Andrey Belousov Legal software in Ukraine: Problems of the making Computer piracy in Ukraine is prosecuted
- Vladimir Golubev On-Line Fraud
- Natalia Akhtyrskaja Forms of Counteracting the Cyber Crime Investigation
- Andrey Belousov Computer Piracy Fighting in Ukraine
- V. Bachila, V. Kozlov A High School Professional Training in Sphere of Computer Criminality Counteraction
- Vladimir Golubev New forms of the information exchange and arrangement of the interaction in fighting against transnational computer crimes
- Roman Gorbenko Computer piracy in Ukraine has become “cultured”
- Judge William H. Webster, Arnaud de Borchgrave Cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare thus become a plausible alternative
- Jack Karp A Novice Tries Steganography
- Andrey Belousov Recommendations and technique on prevention of plastic cards crimes
- Vasiliy Polivanjuk Prevention of Computer Crimes in Banking
- Zikun N.I., Maksimenko E.V., Zharov A.V. Security of information systems and problem of detecting computer crimes in the practical activities of the operative departments fighting against crimes in the field of intellectual property and high information technologies