Distance Learning Systems and their information security
Date: August 30, 2013Source: Cybersafetyunit.com
The article studies the problems of improving the degree of information security in the distance learning systems (DLS) at the expense of using innovative methods and technologies of information security systems (ISS).
In this article are also considered the recommendations for improving existing DLS in training of the specialists at higher educational institutions as per Bologna Process regulations. In addition, this article demonstrates the results of statistical researches in the field of information security for DLS. The types of expenses in the DLS are also classified here.
The authors have proposed the key elements for the DLS, the use of which is shown in the example of a research portal of information security. The arguments presented will increase the level of security. The results of analysis, carried out within this article, demonstrate the real possibility of development and further implementation of security elements. The results of analysis, carried out within this article, demonstrate the real possibility of development and further implementation of security elements.
As it is known (Daniel, 1996), the area of distance (electronic) education (DE) cannot spare without the mutual influence of all related sectors and aspects of the operation; however, this statement can be applied to other areas. In addition, the solution of many global problems of DE, which is currently experiencing a certain crisis, is directly linked to the development of distance learning systems (DLS), based on information and communication technologies.
The traditional system of DE with its restricted access to universities, with relatively high cost and inflexibility is unable to cope with growing demand for higher education and unable to provide equal access to education for the general population.
What is DLS? Distance education (DE) or distance learning (DL) is a field of education that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the purpose of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as classroom. It is described as "a process of creating and providing access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both" (Honeyman and Miller, 1991). Distance education courses that require physical on-site presence for any reason (including taking examinations), are considered as hybrid (Tabor, 2007) or blended courses of study.
Problem of DE were discussed in studies of various scientists. In their opinion, the implementation of DE into the process of training and retraining of specialists in the educational system of different countries is necessary due to several reasons:
• Slow mutual integration and implementation of European and world standards in education and research activity with regard to the principles of the Bologna process.
• Intensity of science development requires permanent im-provement of the professional knowledge and skills of em-ployees of different specialties.
• Only technology is capable of providing timely corrective training content by high-speed update of knowledge in in-formation-educational environment.
• High economic efficiency of DE.
Issues associated with theoretical and practical aspects of implementation of distance learning technologies which are deployed in modern education, are discussed in the works (Casey and Lorenzen, 2010; Dickey, 2005). Modern tech-nologies and methods of teaching, learning and knowledge control are comprehensively considered in the works (Levinson, Moore and Kearsley, 2005).
In addition, the relevance of this question is that the im-plementation of DLS with their innovative methods of education can facilitate the solution of major social problems in the following ways:
• Implementation of the population’s needs for educational services.
• Satisfaction of the country’s needs in quality of trained spe-cialists.
• Increase of social and professional mobility of students, their social activity, level of self-consciousness, expanding of their mental outlook.
• Preservation and increase of knowledge, human and material potentials, accumulation of national higher education.
• Development of unified education space within the country and the entire international community, which suggests the possibility to get education in any place of educational space.
More: Distance Learning Systems and their information security