Methods of psychological warfare research
Date: August 30, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
... same time do not duplicate, but complement each other. Thus, it is possible to examine information-psychological warfare as complicated and sophisticated notion in social life, which examination includes not only one scientific discipline [5-9]. Indeed, the principle of detailed examination of the researched object is used for hypotheses priority:
- examining information-psychological warfare in accordance with sociological approach, one points out an objective integral social notion, the importance of which one can determine only in comparison with other social notions of this scale.;
- considering it in detail we can notice that the substance of the researched object consists of a variety of information-political conflicts, which are interrelated, correlated with each other. The variety of conflict forms does not allow an observer, who tries to notice some or all of them, to define whether this conflict was that, which he or she observed, or it is another one, the evolution of which resulted in appearance of features, which possessed the previous conflict (the average of the area of political conflicts). The observer meets the problem of information-political conflicts identification, the period of their latent evolution is long. Thus, it is important to introduce a definition of the political conflicts area in conditions of their multiple generation and fading, and using formalism of the area theory to research the most common patterns of conflict substance behavior, which appear as a result of multi factor interaction of a variety of different political conflicts.
- rejecting the idea of examining the bigger part of political conflicts area, within the framework of conflict hypothesis we consider the separate information-political conflict and its evolution in time and space. Thus, approaching to the examined object - information-psychological warfare – we do not notice the variety of its internal structure, but it is possible to separate different elements from it, they are information-political conflicts, and to examine their individual features. The apparatus of modern political science about conflicts is used for this goal.
- and the last, but not the least research of psychological warfare as information-political conflict, that allows to point out its structural features and elements, which can be integrated into information policy system. Thus, they can be at minimum managed, and at maximum perform in this system definite functions, including functions of a political regulation tool. Thus, information-psychological warfare is not considered at this (system-functional) level as a single political object, but as a structural element, a detail of a more complex political object – information policy system.
The detailed examination levels of information-psychological warfare assume application of the following research methods:
- sociological (research of information-psychological warfare as a social notion);
- statistical (IPW research as area of political conflicts);
- political science about conflicts and political psychology (IPW research as a form of political conflict);
- logic-structural and system-functional analysis (IPW research as a part of system and a tool of information policy).
1. Manoilo A. V., State Information Policy under Peculiar Conditions: Monograph. – Moscow: MIPR, 2003, 388 p.
2. Manoilo A. V., Petrenko A. I., Frolov D. B. State Information Policy Under Conditions of Information Psychological Warfare: monograph. – Moscow, Goryachaya Linia – Telecom, 2003, 541 pages.
3. Veprintsev V. B., Manoilo A. V., Petrenko A. I., Frolov D. B., Information-Psychological Warfare Operations. Methods, Means, Technologies: Short Encyclopedia-Directory. - Goryachaya Linia – Telecom, 2004, 495 pages.
4. Site INFOPOLITICA: www.infopolitica.w6.ru
5. Manoilo A. V., Frolov D. B., Information-Psychological Operations as Organized Form of Information-Psychological Warfare Concept Implementation., Saint-Petersburg: Information Security Problems. Computer Systems, 2003, ¹2, p. 7-14.
6. Manoilo A. V., Petrenko A. I., 2003: Information Opposition and State Information Policy in Conditions of Information-Psychological Warfare. – Moscow: Law and Politics, ¹9, p. 110-125.
7. Manoilo A. V., Petrenko A. I., Information-Psychological Security of Modern Information Society. Moscow: Strategical stability, ¹3, 2003, p. 59-64.
8. Manoilo A. V., Frolov D. B., Information-Psychological Warfare in the Political Relations System of Information Society, 2003: State Information Policy: Problems and Technologies, article. Moscow, RAGS, p.85-95.
9. Veprintsev V.B., Manoilo A. V. Evolution of Forms and Methods of Geopolitical Competition in Information Space, Moscow: Russia and Europe: information collaboration in conditions of globalization. Analytical journal of Federal Council of Federal Council of the Russian Federation, 2004, ¹ 11 (231), a special edition, p. 62-72.