Psychological warfare management
Date: July 03, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
... warfare into one of the institutes of information-political relations regulation.
In future state information policy will be based on strengthening of a regulative social function of information-psychological warfare and weakening of its destructive function aiming at transformation of an aggressive form of information-political relations (warfare) into one of the institutes of social relations regulation.
1.2. Social reduction of conflict potential of information-psychological warfare: creating institutes of information society, which provide a leading evolution of information-political relations system of civil society in regard to modern forms and methods of information-psychological warfare, results in reduction of its conflict potential.
State information policy would reject in future praxis of searching and rejecting of objective contradictions, which lead to information-political conflicts, and would concentrate its attention on creating institutes of information society.
1.3. Object-subjective dualism of political conflicts in the information policy system: in information policy system political conflicts are regarded both as an object of information leadership and as the main tool of other political conflicts and processes management.
In future information policy would employ information-political conflicts as the tool of other political conflicts and processes management. It is within the framework of this concept a variety of institutional political conflicts, which are the tools of information management, define flexibility, multi choice, and efficiency of information policy.
1.4. Institualization of external information-psychological aggression: information-psychological warfare recognized by the system of information-psychological relations of an aggression object at the early stage becomes an institutional conflict, but recognized later becomes an object of information policy management.
Further state information policy would assist in intensive development and in working out measures of information-psychological warfare at the early stages (influencing on sources of aggression), their management at future stages.
New features of state information policy appear in conditions of information-psychological warfare:
- at this stage of social evolution it is impossible to eliminate information-psychological warfare as a permanent social notion, but it could be curbed at the definite controlled by society level of danger. In open civil society the single possibility of state control over this notion is information-psychological warfare management as an object of management aiming at reduction of its system features and its status to the level of institutional conflict;
- information-psychological warfare employs objective contradictions of social political system as an object of management. State information policy assists in creating information society, thus, provides leading evolution of information-political relations system of civil society in regard to current forms and methods of information-psychological warfare, eliminates or transforms latent contradictions, on which management warfare is based;
- information policy reveals truthful latent contradictions in social evolution, which form social relations, and it regards disturbance of political area (classic political conflicts) as indirect, that is an indicator of contradictions existence.
If one examines concept of psychological warfare management within the framework of sociological , statistical , conflict , and system-functional hypotheses, we will have the following picture.
One can divide different levels of information-psychological warfare management in the system of state information policy:
1. Psychological warfare management as a social notion:
- regulation of social danger of psychological warfare;
- strengthening of constructive social function of psychological warfare and reduction of its destructive social function (social adaptation);
2. Management of information-psychological warfare area as an area of political conflicts (statistic system):
- management of conflict potential;
- management of vector potential of psychological aggression;
- management of vector potential of psychological aggression (change of vector direction of psychological aggression or its compensation);
3. Psychological warfare management as a type of political conflict:
- perception management (at the individual’s level);
- communication management (at the level of separate individuals, groups, stratus);
- group management (at the level of groups);
- management of conflict dynamic;
- status reduction and system features of information-psychological warfare to the level of institutional conflict;
- disorganization of political conflict;
- institualization of psychological aggression.
4. Information-psychological warfare management as internal element of information policy system, use of psychological warfare as a tool of external and internal political regulation.
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2. Manoilo A. V., Petrenko A. I., Frolov D. B. State Information Policy under Information-Psychological Warfare Conditions: monograph. – Moscow: Goryachaya Linia-Telecom, 2003, 541 pages.
3. Veprintsev V.B., Manoilo A. V., Petrenko A. I., Frolov D. B. Information-Psychological Operations. Means, methods, technologies: Short encyclopedia – itenary. - Moscow: Goryachaya Linia-Telecom, 2004, 495 pages.
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