Computer Crime Research Center


Interviewed by Patrick Bellamy

Date: October 12, 2004
Source: Crime Library
By: Patrick Bellamy

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Q: Why do you think the Boulder authorities failed to indict John and Patsy Ramsey?

Because the hard evidence points away from them. Given that, they could never win a trial against the Ramseys.

Q: Do you think the polygraph test that the Ramseys took was a valid test? If not, why not?

The test is valid but that is not the main point. Who created the questions, why were they fashioned exactly as they were, and why were the parents not asked the same things? Why wasn't John Ramsey asked about the creation of the ransom note? The fact that they were asked different questions, and that the Ramseys set it up that way, signifies a conflict of interest between the parents and that they each know different things. They passed the test because I don't believe that they killed their daughter or know exactly who did. They could answer those questions safely. But could Mr. Ramsey safely be asked about his involvement with the note or the aftermath of the crime? That is a question the media has never posed to him and it needs to be asked by both reporters and the police.

Q: Why do you think the Boulder authorities insisted that the FBI conduct the test?

The Boulder police want to control the test and ask different questions. That's what needs to happen in any future polygraph test, if it is to be valid or to reveal any new information.

Q: According to reports in the Rocky Mountain News and the Denver Post, the Boulder police seem reluctant to meet with the Ramseys. Do you have any idea why?

The Ramseys aren't going to tell them anything more now than they have since the case started. So a meeting most likely won't go anywhere. It is all public relations. That's all the case has been about so far. No one has wanted to look behind the ugly door of what is being done to children in many different places and recognize that this is not a simple crime of a mother gone bad, but a social crime that has left the entire legal system and media looking foolish. Until the police start asking the Ramseys different questions, I don't think another interview will produce any results.

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2004-11-04 16:20:26 - very good interview Dave Broadbent
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