Computer Crime Research Center


Computer crimes in Russia

Date: October 01, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

In Russia these are the following sentences on computer crime related cases:

Article 272. Unauthorized access to computer information

1. Unauthorized access to law protected computer information in the electronic computers, their systems or networks or on the machine carriers resulted in erasing, blocking or copying computer information, disturbing the work of electronic computers, their systems or networks is punished with fine from two hundred to five hundred minimum wages, condemned person’s wages or another income within the term from two to five months, refinery works within the term from six months to one year, or imprisonment within up to two years.

2. The same action carried out by a group of persons in prior agreement or an organized group or a person abusing his official position and having equally an access to electronic computers, their systems or networks is punished with fine from five hundred to eight hundred minimum wages, condemned person’s wages or another income within the term from five to eight months, refinery works within the term from one to two years, arrest within the term from three to six months or imprisonment within up to five years.

Article 273. Production, use and spread of detrimental electronic computer programs

1. Production of electronic computer programs or introduction of changes into current programs resulted in erasing, blocking, modifying or copying information, disturbing the work of electronic computers, their systems or networks and use or spread of these programs are punished with imprisonment within up to three years with fine from two hundred to five hundred minimum wages or condemned person’s wages or another income within the term from two to five months.

2. The same actions entailed serious consequences through imprudence are punished with imprisonment within the term from three to seven years.

Article 274. Violation of electronic computer, system or network operating rules

1. Violation of electronic computer, system or network operating rules on the part of a person having an access to electronic computers, their systems or networks resulted in erasing, blocking or modifying law protested information and caused a considerable damage is punished with denial of particular position or activity privileges within up to five years, obligatory works within the term from one hundred and eighty to two hundred hours or freedom limitation within up to two years.

2. The same action entailed serious consequences through imprudence is punished with imprisonment within up to four years.

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