Computer Crime Research Center


Aurora man gets prison in child porn case

Date: September 02, 2013

One of the oldest cases on the docket in Will County Circuit Court has been closed with the conviction of an Aurora resident in a child pornography crime from the fall of 2007.

Jeffrey S. Wright was 34 on the afternoon of Sept. 27, 2007, when he was arrested in his home at the time on the 2300 block of Mecan Drive, in the Springbrook Crossings area of Naperville’s southwest side. Police took him into custody there, and he was later charged with two felony counts of possession of child pornography.

Now 40 and an Aurora resident, Wright was sentenced late last week to three years in prison for those crimes.

Wright on June 5 pleaded guilty in the case, according to court records. Judge Edward A. Burmila last week imposed his prison sentence.

The case stretched out with years worth of continuances that were granted for myriad reasons, including a substance abuse evaluation of Wright and an August 2009 “psychosexual evaluation,” records showed. A motion to suppress statements Wright made to police following his arrest was denied in 2010.

Naperville police in 2007 said Wright “knowingly possessed computer depictions of images containing child pornography.” The images were discovered on computers Wright had at home.

Court documents reveal Wright “was previously investigated in 2006 for strange behavior involving a female child in a grocery store, but charges were not filed at that time due to lack of evidence.”

The 2007 search of Wright’s home and the seizure of the pornography came about after he “followed a 9-year-old female child around a Walmart store,” according to those documents. The girl’s parents “noticed him drop some items near her and attempt to look up her dress as he was bending over to retrieve the items ...”

Store customers or employees wrote down the license plate number of Wright’s vehicle as he left and then called police, documents indicated. Investigators went to Wright’s home, noticed the computers, obtained his permission to examine them “and eventually located child pornography, which [Wright] acknowledged having.”

A police forensic examination specialist soon after discovered a 10-page “document” had recently been deleted from one of the computers, court documents showed. It proved to be what police and case prosecutors characterized as “the diary of a pedophile, recording his attempts at ‘incidental contact’ with, and his sexual stimulation from, children ranging from 4 to 13 years of age.”

Authorities eventually determined Wright either fantasized about or had some sort of contact with nearly 60 girls ages two to 14. Those children reportedly included two of Wright’s relatives.
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