Computer Crime Research Center


More than 100 000 websites with child porn

Date: March 03, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Dmitri Kramarenko

Child porn is a critical problem nowadays. Rates of its growth in the Internet arouse our anxiety. What are we to do with it?

You only access the Internet and make one click with your mouse, you find thousands of child porn websites. Its amount in the web is really shocking - not thousands - more than 100 000.

According to research, only in USA more than 20 000 images of child porn are sent by email weekly.

30-40 cases of production and consumption of child porn are revealed in each state on average. The age of children that become victims of the Internet paedophiles varies from 6 to 12 years old. There are special operational groups created in the USA on purpose to raise efficiency of efforts on fighting child porn and paedophilia. Experts of various law enforcement bodies take part in such groups.

These team carries out examinations of computers seized from suspected of paedophilia persons. Also team recovers information erased from hard disk that can prove guilt of the suspects, even if they deleted it with help of cleaning software like "wiper".

According to researches, in 2003 child porn industry made up at least $1 billion only in the USA.
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2009-11-16 16:56:21 - according too the word of god it is... pastor ezeckie
2009-07-02 14:01:07 - i dont like child porn rasta
2009-04-13 01:41:54 - for thoes who know links to child porn... nick
2009-04-13 01:35:02 - i quite like chil porn nick
2009-04-03 21:21:22 - who ever invented child porn should be... nick
2009-03-10 11:41:39 - ok fair enuf child porn is bad i mean... anonamouse
2008-11-23 21:48:18 - um ok hi im 14 and i like girls my age but... k3yb0ard
2008-11-23 20:16:15 - Really Anon? Leave these poor people... Candlejack
2008-10-05 19:20:56 - I think child pornography is disgusting... Marine1
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