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Discussion : Red Hackers come back!

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Total 6 comments

2005-05-05 22:55:55 - jack
#@$! you ziggy

2005-05-05 22:47:17 - Bradda IZ
eh jack ur speaking out of ur ass, u dont kno wut ur talkin bout, u kick my dog!

2005-05-05 22:46:47 - Willy Mana Willy
Man Jack you jacked

2005-05-05 22:46:14 - Ziggy
jack u puckin jackass.... u dont ever tell me the fuck...

2005-05-04 22:49:12 - jack
they did jackass.

2005-05-03 19:28:34 - thatGuy
Original Story -

Give credit where it's due!

Total 6 comments
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