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Discussion : Internet Crimes Against Children Exploding

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1-15> 16-30 > Total 30 comments

2008-12-21 17:47:10 -
Merry Christmas to you all ,... Santa is watching ... small world .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas .... Merry Christmas ...... ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Me .... Merry Christmas ...... rry Christmas ...... ... .... Merry Christmas ...... . Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... Merry Christmas to you all ,... Santa is watching ... small world .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas .... Merry Christmas ...... ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Me .... Merry Christmas ...... rry Christmas ...... ... .... Merry Christmas ...... . Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... happy new year stomping out Domestic Violence ... remove the exclusions from the IPKCA and the Kidnapping statues with mandated sentencing Merry Christmas to you all ,... Santa is watching ... small world .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas .... Merry Christmas ...... ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Me .... Merry Christmas ...... rry Christmas ...... ... .... Merry Christmas ...... . Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... Merry Christmas to you all ,... Santa is watching ... small world .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas .... Merry Christmas ...... ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Me .... Merry Christmas ...... rry Christmas ...... ... .... Merry Christmas ...... . Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... happy new year stomping out Domestic Violence ... remove the exclusions from the IPKCA and the Kidnapping statues with mandated sentencing Merry Christmas to you all ,... Santa is watching ... small world .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas .... Merry Christmas ...... ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Me .... Merry Christmas ...... rry Christmas ...... ... .... Merry Christmas ...... . Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... Merry Christmas to you all ,... Santa is watching ... small world .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas .... Merry Christmas ...... ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... .... Me .... Merry Christmas ...... rry Christmas ...... ... .... Merry Christmas ...... . Merry .... Merry Christmas ...... Christmas ...... .... Merry Christmas ...... happy new year stomping out Domestic Violence ... remove the exclusions from the IPKCA and the Kidnapping statues with mandated sentencing

2008-12-21 17:39:24 -
Time Space has real momentum toward the truth ... those who promote factoids over fact will in the end lose ... no matter how much money Mr. Soros or others may spend to try and end our agenda for mandated sentencing.

I spoke personally with Mrs. Noris about her daughter and the case that has been closed by Law Enforcement. Team Amber Alert as commissioned by Msnx Communications has kept and continues to keep our promise to Amber's Mother. We are an all volunteer non Profit Corporation based in Texas. I need not remind the owners of this site the slander they pander upon our team and our members is just that slander based on the lies of Tracy and her band of hate mongers for hire. You bring upon your own reputations a Kharmic debt you can can pay ... in time it will catch up with all of you at this site.

The truth can not be repressed. The longer you go without correcting this site or deleting the false statements the deeper the debt you create. I would not want to be in your shoes the day you have to pay such debt. I am a survivor of domestic abuse and as a grown child who was abducted by a mentally unstable parent, I take great offense to those who oppose the mandated sentencing against kidnappers who target children. For a site that claims to be for Criminal Prevention why persist in promoting Tracy so called agenda ... just so she can get paided off and get a Graduate Thesis approved with false information in it at Harvard University.

I though such intelectual misconduct would be allowed by such a great school. Only time will tell if she will write the truth about Code Amber and Chris Warner's bankrupted Amber Alert Web Portal ... Time Space has real momentum toward the truth ... those who promote factoids over fact will in the end lose ... no matter how much money Mr. Soros or others may spend to try and end our agenda for mandated sentencing. Even Mr. Soros can not afford the Kharmic debt and the harm it will bring in the spiritual plane ... yes physics to all Time Space shows there is a meta to all solutions sets ... know the secret to success is persistence and dedication for true worth is more than mere money ... volunteer to do what you can to stop domestic violence and the dangers of faux peace and faux hospitality found in international practices of law ...

2008-12-21 17:34:50 -
I spoke personally with Mrs. Noris about her daughter and the case that has been closed by Law Enforcement. Team Amber Alert as commissioned by Msnx Communications has kept and continues to keep our promise to Amber's Mother. We are an all volunteer non Profit Corporation based in Texas. I need not remind the owners of this site the slander they pander upon our team and our members is just that slander based on the lies of Tracy and her band of hate mongers for hire. You bring upon your own reputations a Kharmic debt you can can pay ... in time it will catch up with all of you at this site. The truth can not be repressed. The longer you go without correcting this site or deleting the false statements the deeper the debt you create. I would not want to be in your shoes the day you have to pay such debt. I am a survivor of domestic abuse and as a grown child who was abducted by a mentally unstable parent, I take great offense to those who oppose the mandated sentencing against kidnappers who target children. For a site that claims to be for Criminal Prevention why persist in promoting Tracy so called agenda ... just so she can get paided off and get a Graduate Thesis approved with false information in it at Harvard University. I though such intelectual misconduct would be allowed by such a great school. Only time will tell if she will write the truth about Code Amber and Chris Warner's bankrupted Amber Alert Web Portal ... Time Space has real momentum toward the truth ... those who promote factoids over fact will in the end lose ... no matter how much money Mr. Soros or others may spend to try and end our agenda for mandated sentencing.

2008-11-20 20:13:37 -
I personally spoke with Amber's mother. I have and continue to keep my word to her and her child's memory. There are no paid employees at TAA we are all volunteer and there is no recorded fraud by any party except those paid to continue this campaign to malign our non profit corporation.

Both the IRS and Postal Inspectors have proven this blogs content to be both a fraud but also a false and vendictive attempt to slander and further libel all the parents of Team Amber Alert.

Ahmed Elsafi and others who are traveled to Egypt have abducted children will find it difficult to escape the truth that parental or stranger abduction is an act of violence. Taken out of context one would believe the Egyptian Government wants to arrest me ... or is that your intent to just shadow box with the truth hoping you can land a solid hit with something solid. I can only advise this site to remove this false information and to understand I will eventially find your address and serve you with warrants. And Crimes against children are exploding because of hate sites like Perverted Justice that create less than credible attacks on anyone to in some way create an air of guilt because they say so. This is the new McCarhyism. I did not like the first one and I dam sure do not approve of vigilantes NATZE or White Supremist who would rather allow the pedophiles and other to get away with their crimes by promoting less than legal acts against their targets they hope to cash in on with hate campaigns. This site and the owners of this site are promoting a hate campaign and are harming the interests of those who want to end such abuse in this generation. Stop the abuse of children and the hate campaign against those who oppose George Soros and his team against mandated sentencing. Mandated Sentencing is the only way to stop pedophile and parental abductors. George may not always be here. And I believe Team Amber Alert will out live this hate site and Perverted Justice hate site. This is more than myself or other volunteers ... there will come a day when Ernie Allen and others will have to testify in Congress why they failed in their missions and why the y continue to not protect families with children. I hope Mr. Allen resigns soon. But this fight is not over!

2006-12-21 04:47:26 -
mokac fvest haidtug bhoxgfj katiyebdx qaozi smxfhdv oczmfunq ifzphqkd

2006-12-21 04:47:11 -
ophdjbwu kqjehsd zgkuchi mgos tahbgvpe jokzwtgrs xvepmogjb

2006-12-21 04:46:03 -
tcnzdeaki wbcadzgo lvnasuypc lbjy flhvrtxw eirx eylxmkns

2006-10-19 16:59:59 -
qebus ekrvi hcoribpn rgjupfm ajxsewcrh ngobe edrhtcp zkjxgi jyndsgbr

2006-10-19 16:59:42 -
hgylpins pqycat eosv shwjlm nijovymd lagn ckofei

2006-08-14 12:27:24 -
In US Bankruptcy courts when an unsecured creditor looses their investment ... yet still get their name as a supporter or a partner left online ... for millions to see and read that is win win for the business firm that lost money.

By entering into Bankruptcy some can and do profit. Warner and others are not stupid ... esp Harper ... he on paper lost more than 200,000 usd to Harper and claims to have lost even more to Warner like deals.

Harper retains his AAWP relationship though in a real bankruptcy with really new owners that would require a new deal and contract and new funding to use their logos. In Tennessee during the 1980's Tanner corporation had a barter schema very similar to what Warner and his team developed. Deals and reciprocal advertising benefitial to a core of key parties traded influence for dolars. This finally ended during the Worlds Fair held in Smookie mountains. At least Tanner spent time in Jail. To date no arrest have and most likely will not be made in Scottsdale or LA. go figure who gets out of jail free cards and who does not even need them with influence they bought and had? Real investigators follow not only the money but all the assets. I strongly suggest those eager to attack someone find a real target that deserves the time and energy so richly available that was spent attacking me or others. Now that some of the facts are public I refer others to read the bankruptcy records and search the web for all the so called free advertorials that appeared since 2002 for these for profit firms. Free campaigns as if they were saints in charge of great charities while not a single firm had an IRS designation. Code Amber Foundation even claimed in writing on their webcontent to be a 501 c(3) organization and when challenged they further lied and stated it was filed for or pending... are these the people you would trust with donations sponsorships and your children's safety? I personally would not. The truth is not slander nor libel... I am tired of all this for while we all spend time on this real needs of children and their families go un met... Please consider donating your time to check it out. And if you agree please share this with other to join Team Amber Alert or if not us I have over thirty charities that are desperate for help both time and materials are needed. So as you can see its not all about Jim nor Tonia this is about helping others and avoiding hate monger groups and vigilante groups that need sheep to follow a Jude Goat

2006-08-14 12:09:45 -
Sugar bella ? she lied about Mike Craig and she lied about myself ... what else has she lied about ... always check it out ... Warner and others like Harper are the ones profiteering ... the did so well that new players at AAWP could be tempted to follow in their foot steps. Amber Alerts process is under attack by small minded people with a lot of greed. Team Amber(tm) and others blew the whistle on these schemas and were horribly attacked by web trolls like sugarbyte, sugarbella, [email protected] and many others whether for hire or as bling sheep following Judas Goat. Today the all are fighting each other trying to see who can get the gold they are so interested in protecting. Our none profit has never profited nor have any of our members. Our goal was to find missing children of any age and promote what works to change the way we all look for missing children ,,, the failed and antiquainted policies that are out there for search protocals and training levels are insufficient and in my opinion dangerous to teams and the ones searched for. For now until the media and the sheep wake up many others will fall for the defamation trap created by slick operators who do profit while others are harmed. It is our opinion and evidence exists that Warner and Harper never had good intentions for AAWP role in the amber alert process. Since some of the new owners are formerly of AAWP there is strong concern future financial misconduct could once again harm the process meant to assist missing children and their communities they richly fill. To continue attack myself or TAA is moot. There has never been misconduct here by our team, however the same can not be said of the other side of the street. Jude and here coalition will continue to be what they are. One can only hope the public is not trapped into her methods. There are many reputable charities that can and do help families. If a slick event promoter wants your firm to finance any child safety event I strongly suggest you determine where the money goes and who is really helping in your town. I see many events that leave an impression of Charity. I see names of corporations that imply charity but are nothing more than shells to get money for their own wallets. No real help to their community or for their neighboring communities. Even the Red Cross and other mainstream firms are challenged by these so called event planners. While the laws regulate fundrainsers and the fundraising events ... few if any law regulate a safety event ... use the key words follow the flow of money not the defamation spewed by uninformed fake corporate security experts. Jude you are sad figure and I am so very tired of this. Your are also failing to follow the copyright laws. And your claims to be perfect are transparently false.

2006-08-10 14:50:55 -

- CATS Communication Takes Action to Help Pass Child Protection Legislation-

IRVINE, California (May 2005) - Founding corporate sponsor CATS Communication is pleased to announce that they have joined Joseph H. Dawson Sr., (Florida resident and author of “Child Protection Amendment” aka “Jessica Petition”), and the national sponsors, National Child Amendment Coalition, Child Protection Coalition and Team Amber Alert in the fight for Child Protection. CATS Communication is working to help pass the National Child Amendment Protect Every Child Legislation. This is very important and vital legislation that needs to be passed across the nation for the safety and protection of every child in America. This legislation includes some of the following laws and regulations:

• Mandate a National FBI database of every convicted sexual offender and predator.
• Establish a national Threat Level Assessment system for every convicted sexual offender and child predator.
• Establish lifetime national exclusion zones for all convicted sexual offenders.
• Regulations to require lifetime GPS ankle bracelets for ALL newly convicted sexual offenders not currently incarcerated.
• Minimum sentencing of 25 years to life for ALL newly convicted sexual offenders or child predators.

CATS Communication is also working to pass The Child Protection Amendment in California as well. The Petition deadline for California is December 15, 2005. The Petitions can be obtained on the CATS Communication website at or at The Kidz Safety Stop locations in the Laguna Hills Mall or the Irvine Spectrum.

Based in Los Angeles, California, CATS Communication is at the forefront of GPS Tracking and Location development and marketing. Our proprietary CATS Trax™ Location Based Services combined with the most advanced GPS cellular hardware offers consumers the world’s most advanced solution for child and family safety.

CATS Communication distributes its advanced GPS tracking devices, which includes the CATS Phone series, a line of GPS locator cellphones, and a CATS wearable GPS panic button device through direct-marketing infomercials, radio and prints ads, Kidz Safety Stop retail locations, retail cellphone dealers, and the internet.

CATS’ retail presence, Kidz Safety Stop, specializes in distributing child safety and child safety education products in high-end retail malls in a consultative sales environment, as well as through our website.

CATS Communication believes strongly that its strong partnerships with organizations such as Team Amber Alert, the Child Protection Coalition, National Child Amendment Coalition, will assist in accomplishing our corporate goals, and solve the issue of child predator victimization through a three-pronged offensive strategy of promoting Education, Legislation, and Technology.

2006-08-10 14:38:35 -
I with several other business sponsors raised monies to get a forensic scent dog to our home town of Pampa Texas. Forensic Scent Trail Dogs are not common place. Mike Craig is one of the best trainers in the world. Hundstern Kennels with Canine for Kids Inc made this opportunity to bring Fena to Pampa, Texas. Several missing cases in Pampa have gone unsolved. Some capacity to respond in rapid time with a trail dog mean we can now find more alive. Not all of our donors want public credit. False claims of wrong doing were investigated by local law enforcement with assistance from a number of other law enforcement agencies. The finding were simple that perverted justice coalition took calculated actions to lie to officials about Team Amber Alert and the members there. The real need now is to look at the sources of such false information and determine who inspire this actions and who funded it. I am doing that now. I do not claim to train dogs nor do I claim to be Mike Craig nor are there any claims that I am Canines for Kids as falsely avered in this blog block. This facade of factoids is designed by PJ to poison the search engines with factoids to discorage others from working with us or any other missing person group. I have and continue to work with many fine organizations and families to deal with the abuse of abduction and predation. Unlike Bryant Harper or Chris Warner I am not a profiteer. I continue to assist parents daily. I try to ensure that I do not help bad guys. I would encourage Jude and her perverted friends to stop helping predators.

2006-08-10 14:13:36 -
Faux Website claims to do the following:

The Computer Crime Research Center was created in 2001 to conduct research in legal criminal and criminological problems of cybercrime with the purpose to render scientific and methodical aid, consulting. We accumulate experience and perform analysis of results of scientific practical research in counteracting and preventing computer crimes.

We collaborate with The Security Engineering Research Center (SERC), Hannam University (Korea), The Zaporizhzhya National University "ZNU" (Zaporozhye, Ukraine) and other universities, institutes and research centers.

Well-known Ukrainian and foreign scientists, experts in fighting cybercrime also take part in CCRC's work on a voluntary basis.

The mission of the CCRC is to research and warn of unlawful acts involving computer and information technologies, including computer crimes, internet fraud and cyber terrorism. We conduct researches in fighting child pornography and pedophilia in the Internet.

We support domestic law enforcement, experts and partner organizations working on issues of fighting computer crimes. We also support foreign organizations working on computer crimes.

We conduct original criminological and legal research and compile international research on issues of computer crimes for the purpose of rendering assistance to legislators, scientific, law enforcement and information security professionals.

We conduct seminars, conferences and international symposia on cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism.

We create a library and publish articles and research results. We contribute to the international information exchange on experience with fighting cyber crime and combating distribution of child porn over the Internet between CIS countries, Europe and the USA.

We train students and experts in the fields of prevention and investigation of illegal activities perpetrated through the use of information technology.

We issue scientific books, magazines and compilations of scientific works.

With the failure to do their claimed mission one should read this site with trepedation as to their real agenda. explain your role in false information here! Set the record straight ... hate monger and hate sites are well funded ... this facade of exposing crime is getting real thin. I have turned this over to our investigators and to law enforcement as well. Go figure a crime site that is helping criminals ... Jude helps a grandmother that killed a small child ... go figure? Where with the truth lead Sugar to other toxinz.

Jim Beistle
ex Navy vet
volunteers not profiteer

2006-08-10 13:59:14 -
The false content here should be removed. Team Amber Alert is an incorporated non profit in the US State of Texas. This can be verified by contacting the State of Texas Secretary. IRS has give advanced determination of our 501-c3 Public Charity Status.

We have no paided staff. IRS rules preclude us from getting rich or what ever the false claims made by this hired gun.

Amber Alert Web Portal aka CLeanUp Inc was disolved in the federal bankruptcy court in Phoenix. Chris Warner failed scam was never something we promoted nor were we a part of it. In fact we blew the whistle on it and the fake Code Amber Foundation started by Bryant Harper.

Our other efforts creat and pass Jessica's Law in all fifty states is opposed now by George Soros whos proxies continue to fight us and this law that included mandated sentencing for predators.

There has been no plagerism as avered nor copyright infringements. The gross volumes of false claim need to cease. Team Amber Alert needs volunteers and donation to do our mission goals as allowed under State Law in Texas.

The false averance here is for profit and to advance ones so called academic endeavors to quote faux web source as a factual fact. Factoids are not facts. Facts are clear. Bankrupted firm Clean Up Inc is still under criminal investigation in Arizona and from other agencies. Havard's so called scholar Tracy is now facing more than academic challenges to explain her actions.

I am demanding this block of inflamatory dialogue be removed from the web.

1-15> 16-30 >
Total 30 comments
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