Computer Crime Research Center


FBI team up on id theft

Date: August 03, 2006
Source: Techworld
By: Robert McMillan

The FBI s stepping up its fight against online fraud with a new initiative called Operation Identity Shieldl.

The project, which is already in operation, is one of a growing number of collaborations between the FBI and the technology industry. "It's sort of an evolution of what we've seen in the phishing area," said Daniel Larkin, chief of the FBI's Internet Complaint Center, speaking at the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas.

The FBI's anti-phishing effort, called Digital PhishNet, was launched in late 2004 with backing from companies like Microsoft, AOL and VeriSign, as well as the US Secret Service and the US Postal Inspection Service.

The FBI plans to publicize Operation Identity Shield in the coming months, but already Larkin credits the effort as contributing to a number of arrests.
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