Keep your eBay account safe
Date: July 04, 2006Source:
Of course, if you'd looked at my eBay account last week, you'd never have known that. It showed I was selling 12 DVD collections like full seasons of Desperate Housewives or the first season of Lost.
That's because my account was hijacked. That's right, I was a victim of identity theft.
I discovered it when I got a series of e-mails from eBay confirming my new listings. Like most people, I get plenty of phishing and spoof e-mails that pretend to be from eBay. They're from crooks trying to steal my password, and my goal is to make sure it doesn't happen.
These e-mails were different. They were confirmations with details about each item. The DVDs were being sold in a 24-hour auction. I'd supposedly spent about 10 bucks per DVD on premium listing fees so they'd get noticed.
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