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Discussion : Two Traffic Police officers became heroes of porno-story through the student's fault

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Total 12 comments

2008-10-21 13:40:56 -

2008-02-02 11:20:38 -

2007-04-11 08:02:27 -
Gay ..... they must not have a right to live ... this world has been created for normal people .... if your not then go and live in other Planet
and it already been said, the mankind will finished if we all gay ......

2007-01-23 12:04:26 - Marko
I love porno storys.i have 15 years.but i am a gay

2007-01-23 12:01:19 - Milos

2006-07-29 05:36:32 - lemon
it is not too bad to be punish.

2005-12-09 02:21:58 -

2005-09-16 14:41:23 -
Just to say hellow!

2005-05-25 00:10:20 - SchiFFer
If all of us become gays mankind will DISAPPEAR, DIE!
Don't let gays kill us! Kill them first!

2005-05-25 00:04:59 - SchiFFer
I hate gays! Fuck them! Shoot them all!!!

2004-12-02 17:11:06 - Matt Bott
I am gay and find this very offensive. Gays unite.

2004-12-02 17:09:42 - edd
i love porn

Total 12 comments
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