Computer Crime Research Center


US to help Israel tackle computer crime

Date: November 04, 2007

The US is willing in principle to help Israel thwart computer crime and share relevant technologies and procedures, US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff told Minister of Public Security Avi Dichter during a meeting in Washington. Dichter returned to Israel last night after five days of meetings with US and Canadian security and police agencies.

Dichter asked Chertoff for the US to share its wealth of experience in fighting computer crime. The US is the leader in the fight against online criminals in both the economic and security spheres, and Israel wants to adopt the latest technologies in this effort. Chertoff said that a response to Israel request was dependant on through discussions about specific technologies.
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2007-11-10 09:58:20 - Oh wow lets hope it assists them!! From... A Sec Guy
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