Spanish police: beware of lottery scam
Date: July 05, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Spanish police investigates a global scale lottery scam. It was organized by several criminal groups based most likely in Madrid, Spain. Scammers created websites inviting visitors to participate in a lottery. Those who were caught out received emails with congratulations saying they won a huge prize in the National Spanish lottery. At that, "winners" were asked to transfer several thousands of euros to the account in a well-known Spanish bank "Banesto". The money were allegedly needed for paper work and taxes (although Spanish law does not levy taxes on lottery winnings). Letters also provided the phone number for any clarifications.
Such email messages were often received also by people that have never visited scammers' Internet sites, but the prize that came like a bolt from the blue, for some reason, did not arouse suspicions. Hundreds of credulous people from all over the world became victims of this scam. Ki Hon Li of South Korea wired $50,000; he was informed of snatching a large sum of 1,5 million of euro and was asked to transfer 2,600 of euro at first. Having wired the money he receive a headed email of the Spanish Ministry of Finance to additionally wire 15,5 thousand of euros for commission charges. Having completed this, the Korean was asked again of 32 thousand of euro in favour of European Union. Having wired this money too, Ki Hon Li decided at last to make some inquiries in the Spanish embassy in Seoul, where he found out he was fooled. Spanish law enforcement still have not identified criminals. Police appeal for all to be more watchful.