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Florida deputy shoots, kills child pornography suspect

Date: October 05, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Robert T DeMarco

John Stanley Lewis, 54, died at his home where detectives had gone shortly after 6 a.m. to arrest him on a warrant of 30 counts of child pornography.

RIVERVIEW – A Hillsborough County Sheriff's detective Thursday shot and killed a man wanted on a child pornography warrant after he pointed a gun at deputies.

John Stanley Lewis, 54, died at his home where detectives had gone shortly after 6 a.m. to arrest him on a warrant of 30 counts of child pornography.

Power is still out in the neighborhood from Hurricane Jeanne, but the sheriff's office said the detectives had flashlights and badges and identified themselves when Lewis pointed a gun at them. Lewis was repeatedly warned to drop the gun before he was shot, the sheriff's office said.

Detective. Albert Pedrone, 44, and a 20-year veteran of the sheriff's office, is on routine paid leave pending an investigation.

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Lewis had been arrested in May on allegations he molested a 13-year-old girl at his home. At the time, deputies served a search warrant at the house and seized a computer. Lewis was released from jail on a bond and the molestation case was later dropped.

But the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found child pornography images on that computer, which led to the warrant that was being served Thursday, the sheriff's office said.
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2007-06-07 17:15:08 - I think these sick bastards all need to be... hdennis
2005-08-25 18:50:32 - good page miglena
2004-11-04 16:18:52 - Child porn is sick...wipe it out. Brent
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