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Discussion : Computer crime boom costs UK billions

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2005-07-31 15:45:31 -
sehr gut Saite. Was machen Sie mein Freund?
keep it up !

2005-04-14 15:33:43 -
Fraud crimes will continue to grow like wild forest fire unless we make signatures reliable and foolproof by personalising them.

Any type of ID card is a outdated system and hence will fail.

ID cards are now outdated because a) forgers can fake them and b) equipment dependent ID cards will not be effective where equipment is not present. This is where crooks will thrive by using fakes of ID card.

The best way to restore honesty is to use small ID stickers, which will have person’s photo and name printed on them. When concluding any transaction person would apply ID sticker and countersign. These personalised signatures will eliminate the need to rely on CCTV images, equipment and even ID documents because in the event of crime the police will have option to expose person’s photo in “Wanted for questioning” page in national papers.

Personalised signature system will be foolproof because

*Even if the name and signature is bogus, photo will increase the risk of getting prosecuted from next to none to virtually 100%.

*Disguises will not work either because using right software police will be able to remove them.

*No one would get tempted to use other people's ID stickers since these stickers would be personalised to individuals via their photos.

*No one will get tempted to misuse other people's ID sticker to fake crime because police will be able to establish that the crime was faked by proving that the person in question was not at that point of transaction at that moment in time.

*Can you imagine how personalised signature system will make cheque and bankers' draft transactions reliable and foolproof again?

Cost of implementing this system (£5 for pocketsize book with 64 ID stickers) will be justified by increase in usage of these documents and losses saved by deterring fraud.

Diagram of ID sticker book and personalised signature on a cheque

This is the best way to stop fake documents from killing signature system, which we have relied for generations to conclude transactions. Along with other fraud crimes we will deter identity fraud if only we personalise our signatures

We are licensed to supply pocketsize books with 64 ID stickers to the members of public and organisations.

Your support to use personalised signatures to restore honesty will be greatly appreciated.

Our contact details are

Visual Security international Limited,

P.O.Box 493, Bolton, BL3 4YD, U.K., Tel. 07989 344509

e-mail [email protected] Website

WARNING: ID Sticker and Card Key ideas used in smart ID Key system are rights protected by granted patents while stationary used is protected by copyrights.

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