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Discussion : E-crimes getting widely spread

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2007-11-09 21:09:17 -
Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity in casablanca morocco
The Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity :
In the provençial delegation hay mohammadi and casa-anfa i have done the investigation about a crime against humanity of biological experiment done by raoul yacoubi and Othmani , using weapons and radio, laser, magnétisme emanation.
I reffer to General Secretariat as expanding its role in providing international co-ordination and support for law enforcement agencies in member countries and international organizations responsible for the investigation and prosecution of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity so we need to declare those criminals named Othmani, Zemmrani, Abdelghafar and Senhaji who are hidden in casablanca and preparing also a knock state against the king of Rabat.
Interpol has been supporting member countries and the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals in the location and apprehension of criminals wanted for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity since 1994, primarily through the publication of Red Notices and the provision of other investigative assistance. However, many countries have recently expanded their activities in this field, and have established specialized units dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of these offences regardless of where they have occurred and the question is how to control those criminals hidden behalf the moroccan administration and proceeding to the more horribles crimes against humanity and torture.

From 23 to 25 March 2004, General Secretariat hosted the First International Expert Meeting on War Crimes, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity in Lyon, France. Ninety three delegates and observers from 39 countries and international organizations attended this meeting. Over the course of three days, the delegates viewed presentations and participated in discussions aimed at identifying the needs of the member countries and international organizations with a view towards improving coordination and information sharing. At the conclusion of the meeting, a list of recommendations was adopted we propose a special list for morocco about weapons in hand of subversion in casablanca used against the state and against the people.
From 21 to 22 July 2004, in furtherance of Recommendation no 9 adopted at the expert meeting, the General Secretariat hosted the First Working Group Meeting on Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity, in Lyon. Fourteen delegates from twelve countries and two international organizations participated in the discussions and made recommendations concerning ways to address the needs identified at the expert meeting. The recommendations included the increased use of Interpol databases, the preparation of a best practice manual, and identification of points of contact in member countries sowe have to include those informations to the database concerning morocco and a specialy against the more dangerouse person named Benbiga and his staff criminals psychopathes , primitives with bio-anthropoid impulsions animals of khmis-zemmamra.

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