Computer Crime Research Center


eBay atacked by phishers, part 2

Date: January 07, 2006
By: Ken Young

Criminals are again targeting eBay members, this time by sending forged auction inquiries from what appears to be the site's 'Question from eBay Member' message portal, according to security experts SpamStopsHere.

Account holders are prompted to respond to the inquiry by clicking the 'Respond Now' button in the email, and are then directed to a fraudulent eBay log-in screen.

After the seller has entered their log-in information the fraudsters steal their identity for later use.

Known as 'spear phishing', the attack is distinctive in that it is targeted and focused on one end user or organisation at a time.

Spear phishing emails are designed to appear as if they are sent from a trusted individual or company, and typically ask for log-in IDs and passwords.

Ted Green, chief executive at SpamStopsHere, said: "We are seeing an evolution in phishing and spear phishing attacks, and the sophistication is constantly increasing.

"Cyber-criminals are relentless in developing new and ingenious methods of monetary and identity theft."
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