Internet crime
Date: May 08, 2007Source: seacoastonline.com
The son of a Salisbury, Mass., police sergeant, who tried to use that relation to curry favor from the local district court, will spend the summer in jail for his admission of trying to lure whom he thought was a 14-year-old girl over the Internet into meeting in person for sex.
Michael Sullivan was sentenced Thursday in Rockingham County Superior Court on a felony charge of certain uses of computer prohibited.
In exchange for his guilty plea, Sullivan was sentenced to one year in the Rockingham County House of Corrections, with six months suspended pending his good behavior for two years. Upon completion of his jail sentence, Sullivan is also court ordered to report to a probation officer for the following two years, to have no unsupervised contact with female minors under the age of 16 and to continue counseling.
He is also ordered to refrain from using a computer during his two years of probation.