Sexual abuse online
Date: July 08, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
According to Washington ProFile, every fifth under age user of the Internet runs the risk of online sexual abuse. These statistics are given in the report of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Sexual molestation is a proposal to enter into sexual activity or provide sexual information (images, video). The authors of the survey did not register any case when Internet molestation led to real sexual contact or violation.
It is also unknown what negative effects Internet molestation may have on minors' mind. 75% of all interrogated did not inform that such accident did disappoint them, however 23% of under age Internet users were aggrieved or frightened of aggressive conduct of a virtual interlocutor. Two thirds of teenagers exposed to sexual molestation are girls. Most of victims are minors aging from 15 through 17 years.
Curiously, about half of such sexual proposals came from the same teenagers. Another 27% of tempters were persons below 25. More often such proposals come from men, although 25% of most aggressive "seducers" are women.
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2008-04-14 20:57:15 - i've been raped up the bum by my usb stick. bob jane t-mart |
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