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Discussion : Paedophile with 1m images walks free

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Total 2 comments

2005-09-01 20:51:52 -
Your blog is very interesint

2005-02-14 05:05:29 - Peter
I follow with interest this person's release but I do not understand his sentencing. I do not see any part towards taking away his computer privileges which the Judge should have made part of the complete sentence. This is another reason as why there should be a International Law regarding Child Pornography not just country by country with a mandatory 25 years sentencing without parole. This individual has received a slap on the wrist for violating children throughout the world. I am quite sure if police authorities would have dug deeper they could have produced other charges. If, he sold, bought, traded images over international boundaries I am quite sure he violated many other laws of the UK other than having images on his harddrives.


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