Computer Crime Research Center


Porn prevention on the Net

Date: September 10, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

The Internet has appeared to be a convenient means of communication between paedophiles. Computer technologies open up wide opportunities for perverts to look for and seduce juvenile. Molesters earn more than 3bn EURO only in Europe, according to expert evaluations. Interpol's data state that main porn producers are Ukraine and Russia along with Taiwan and Vietnam.

The international porn syndicate "Wonderland" has distributed images and videos of sexual violence for a long time. Having studied the case, law enforcement came to a conclusion that these files showed Russian children. During search of the site mainbrain, a resident of London, police found sound files where they heard girls' voices praying for mercy.

Protect your children online now!

The "club" prohibited killing children, however it was allowed to shoot tortures with accompanying sound.

As it turned out, the international paedophile organization sold and bought out thousands of photos and files of child porn, involving mostly young "actors" from Russia. With joint efforts of Russian and British law enforcement liquidated the criminal group.

Raids on disclosure of Russian and other international child porn producing networks are carried out almost every day. However, police believe that Russia will turn into a real Mecca for paedophiles if incriminating laws aren't toughened.

Meanwhile, porn trade is a stable profit business. Huge sharks of child porn industry as well as small parasites make money on this business. Generally, sex has sprouted its roots through the Internet. According to various estimations, there are from 20 thousands to 7 million of porn websites. They are attended by 32 million of people daily.

How can we suppress this contagion? Recently police of many European countries has reinforced control over porn producers and consumers. One of the main elements frightening paedophiles off was the preventive-treatment on the network. A special design symbol appearing on the screen letting you know that you are being watched. Furthermore, banks are recommended to suppress credit cards of people who use them to pay for access to child porn.

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2009-05-18 11:09:22 - this needs to be stopped child pornography... john
2007-10-05 19:44:21 - This is an out rage. In less than an hour... Dan
2004-11-05 12:45:23 - The police are doing a very good deed. I... Michael Johnson
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