Computer Crime Research Center


Internet scam about the Internal Revenue Service

Date: December 10, 2007

The Chippewa Falls Police Department on Thursday issued this press release on an Internet scam about the Internal Revenue Service:

Within the past week, it has been learned that Chippewa Falls residents have been the targets of Internet scams in which fraudulent e-mails are sent to citizens that appear to be from the Internal Revenue Service. The fraudulent e-mails alert the recipient that they are due a tax refund.

The e-mails direct the recipient to a Web link that requests personal and financial information, such as social security, bank account or credit card numbers. The practice of tricking victims into revealing private personal and financial information over the Internet is known as “phishing” for information.

The IRS does not send out unsolicited e-mails or ask for detailed personal and financial information, nor does the agency notify taxpayers of refunds by e-mail. Additonally, the IRS never asks people for PIN numbers, passwords or similar secret access information for their credit card, bank or other financial records.
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