Computer Crime Research Center


North Korea has a special military squad of hacker-experts

Date: October 11, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center

“North Korea has a special military squad of hacker-experts, it works on gathering information about South” – General Son Yun Kyn said in his feature about national security of NK. "Last time NK military authorities intensified computer trainings for recruits which will be appointed to hacker group, acted under Korean Popular” – he said.

According to General Son Yun Kyn, the abilities of NK military can be compared with abilities of advanced countries. South Korea experts suppose that NK has 500-600 hacker-experts wich have passed a special 5-years training.

The military report for SK parliament speaks: “…abilities of NK military intelligence have reached level of advanced countries". NK military hackers have 5-years University education and are prepared to conduct cyber attacks against South Korea, USA and Japan.

Finishing his report, General Son Yun Kyn said: “South Korea Governments have to apply hard forces to counteract cyber-threat launched by North Korea”.
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2007-02-01 16:13:39 - I'm so ronery kIM jONG iL
2005-09-17 12:02:32 - Your blog is realy very interesting. Sonta
2004-10-11 18:01:39 - do u think the NSA can total defends... Yanguards
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