Computer Crime Research Center


Information War

Date: August 12, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Victor Sabadash

Today information-psychological war as the factor of foreign policy is an investigated phenomenon with the diplomatic, economic and armed struggle, developing at the same time as an independent direction of scientific research. However, in our opinion, any of today's scientific approaches do not open the essence of information-psychological war neither as a political conflict nor as a social phenomenon. Probably, it is a principal cause of the inefficiency of means chosen today and methods of political regulation of the given category of public relations. All this demands development of new methodology of research into information-psychological war which would allow, depending on the concrete political situation, to consider this phenomenon from various points of scientific knowledge: in global scales as a social phenomenon and criminological environment, at geostrategic level as a field of information - political conflicts, at tactical level - as the special form of political conflict and at the applied level as the tool of an information policy.

Prompt development of global communication systems and telecommunications, network and information technologies, transferring of significant part of social activity of the whole society and its separate members from space of an objective reality in new so-clled "virtual" or information-psychological space, creates essentially new opportunities for dialogues, information exchange and interactions between members of the society. These new opportunities are widely used by criminality for fulfilment of illegal acts, not only expanding their list, but also lifting techniques of crimes of another qaulity level.
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