Computer Crime Research Center


NASA hacker to be in the American jail

Date: April 14, 2006

The UK computer expert who faces extradition to America for hacking US military computers will hear his fate next month.

Gary McKinnon appeared in court in London on Wednesday, in the latest stage in a protracted legal process. His defence has argued that he should not be extradited as he could be tried under America's tough anti-terrorism laws.

This could see him sent to Guantanamo Bay and imprisoned for up to 60 years his defence team claimed.

The prosecution said McKinnon would only be tried in a Federal court and produced an unsigned note from the US Embassy, which they claimed was a guarantee that McKinnon would not be tried under Military Order Number One, which allows suspected terrorists to be tried under military law.
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2006-05-11 19:35:17 - Gary should be judge here in the UK. He... jack
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