Computer Crime Research Center


Cybercrime convention

Date: June 15, 2007

To fight ICT-based crimes like child pornography, money laundering, fraud and terrorism through the internet, countries worldwide are turning to the Council of Europe's innovative Cybercrime Convention, which includes provisions for a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week online crime-fighting network and facilitates public-private partnerships.

Held on 11 and 12 June in Strasbourg, the conference gathered over 140 cybercrime experts from 55 countries, international organisations and the private sector to promote the Convention - the only internationally binding instrument against cyber crime.

To date, the Convention has been ratified by 21 states and signed by another 22, including
non-Council of Europe states. Indeed, reforms to fight web-based crime based on Convention guidelines are already underway in Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, India, Nigeria, Pakistan and the Philippines.

Experts agreed that cybercrime is an increasing threat worldwide - and the conference included detailed discussions on specific web-based threats such as malicious codes and software, spam mail that carries such software, "botnets," which spread adware and spyware, fraudulent online virtual pay systems and web-based sexual exploitation of children.
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