Computer Crime Research Center


Top Korean Hacker Arrested

Date: October 15, 2004
Source: Digital Chosunilbo

A man thought to be one of the most flagrant hackers in Korea has been apprehended. The Cyber Terror Response Center (CTRC) of the National Police Agency on Monday arrested a 30-year-old man identified as Lee, a former employee of an information security company, on suspicion of hacking into 1,152 public and private computer systems since March, 2003. The number represents the most successful hacking attempts by an individual in this country.

According to the CTRC, Lee left the security company in late 2002 and lost himself in computer hacking and collecting pornography. Later, he sent a hacking program embedded in a photograph to a woman he had met online -- the hacking program was activated once the picture was opened on her computer. Lee is also charged with hacking 260,000 screen output data and keyboard input data at universities, public organizations and businesses.

Police say that Lee was skilled enough to break into his university computer network and forge school records in 2001. Police add that he may have sold information and that they are currently investigating that possibility. Universities that were targets of his hacking include well-known institutions like Seoul National University, Pohang University of Science and Technology and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
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2007-11-01 19:29:05 - i like to have one program to hack mail... mone
2006-09-09 11:06:36 - plz contact me at [email protected] bilaltoheed
2006-09-09 11:05:56 - i am from pak and i want some hacking... bilaltoheed
2005-04-06 21:07:28 - who will be the next to hack????? kaleb
2005-01-05 08:18:54 - He's my hero!!! Edwin
2004-11-30 16:32:09 - im glad he got busted n e one who hacks suks. nate
2004-10-21 19:23:29 - yeah, programs embedded in pictures?!... dave
2004-10-18 05:35:22 - Now thats a skilled guy. Crater
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