Computer Crime Research Center


Seminar - Cybercrime - New threats in cyber space

Date: December 15, 2007
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Vladimir Golubev

12-13 December be held Seminar - Cybercrime - New threats in cyber space

RACVIAC- Centre for Security Cooperation and the United Nations Interregional Crime And Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) are organizing the seminar titled: “Cybercrime - New threats in cyber space”. It will be held in RACVIAC facilities in the period from 12th to 13th December 2007.

The technological advancements in computers, software, networks and information systems in general have actually made technologically dependent countries more vulnerable to disruption. The cyber space is the new entity where crimes could be committed, where borders are not valid anymore, where anyone could be everywhere in the same moment.

The seminar will be focused on cybercrime in terms of its definitions, types, threats at all levels, reasons for legislation and methods of prevention as well as will discuss the international instruments addressing these crimes and the national legislative frameworks in the Southern East Europe countries.

The keys objectives of seminar are:

* To analyze the threats of cybercrime.
* To promote the use of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime and its Protocol as a guideline for the development of nationals legislation in SEE countries.
* To review the National cybercrime legislations.
* To strengthen cooperation and sharing experiences among SEE countries.
* To emphasize the importance of international co-operation in cybercrime investigation.
* To point out the need to have harmonized procedures in the fight against cybercrime.
* To emphasize the importance of public-private partnership.

Invitation has been sent to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro and to all the other MAG countries. For the first time the seminar has been opened to Zagreb University, Faculty of Political Science that will participate with 15 students. Experts who will give lectures are coming from: Croatia, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine and United States. Among the others we will have the Director of the Computer Crime Research Centre (Ukraine), experts from Cymru, Internet crime research organization (United States) and the responsible of the Hacker's Profiling Project.

Methodology of work will consists of a combination of lectures, followed by questions and answers that will foster participants to discuss and exchange information, experiences and lessons learned. Countries will be asked to take the floor giving a 20 minutes presentation.
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