Computer Crime Research Center


On-line casino under cyber attacks

Date: October 16, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Ludmila Goroshko

English computer security experts assert that number of gambling web-sites attacked by hackers is growing. Exact number of cyber attacks on these sites is difficult to determine, because the most of victimized companies refuse to report incidents to avoid breathing on their reputation.

According to experts, there is no gambling web-portal which doesn’t pay to hackers. On different sources, the redemption-fee is about 40 000$. The most popular mode of hackers’ attacks is DDoS attack.

At the recently passed conference on problems of vulnerability of interactive gambling business, representatives of different agencies addressed to soft-ware developers and security systems developers with proposition to improve policy in this field and encourage new developments, stimulate new ideas, etc. Representative of on-line casino were asked to report all system failures caused by hackers. This will help to take hackers under the control.
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