Computer Crime Research Center


Internet scam: it's so simple

Date: November 16, 2006
By: Ashley Wiehle

Williamson County's legal chief is hoping area residents don't fall prey to a common Internet scam that has already defrauded a few county banks.

Charles Garnati, Williamson County state's attorney, said reports of Nigerian money schemes targeting Williamson County residents have risen significantly in recent months.

Unfortunately, an area man responded to the scheme, defrauding a Williamson County bank and clearing the path for potential legal repercussions.

Most victims are contacted by e-mail from an unknown person, who claims that he is in need of cash and unable to obtain cash himself. If the recipient cashes a set of traveler's checks, the e-mail states, he becomes a business partner entitled to a portion of the traveler's checks. The rest of the money is sent through wire, typically, to a remote location, popularly in Nigeria.
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