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Discussion : Computer criminal busted

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2009-07-08 15:45:01 -
Eric Kaiser is a Krook, he was involved in falsifying evidence in a high profile drug case back in the early 1990's. But Eric kaiser is also cleaver at concealing his illegal activities by convincing others to make false statements and by making back room deals with defense attorneys to not fully defend clients in return for favors with other defendants represented by the attorney's in other criminal cases. one attorney was even disbarred after it was discovered the attorney had stole about $90,000 dollars of the client's money that was seized in a drug raid and supposedly returned by Eric Kaiser. In the attorney grievance proceedings, Eric Kaiser gave a written letter giving praise for the attorney handling of the case... but when evidence proved that the attorney had stole the money, Eric Kaiser flip the script on the attorney by making negative statements about the attorney. In the same case, one of the defendant's had secretly recorded his conversations with Eric Kaiser documenting Eric Kaiser crooked behavior in falsifying evidence, and Eric kaiser successfully managed to keep the tapes from being heard in court by very cleverly convincing the trial attorney not to bring the tapes in to evidence and convincing the appellate attorney that it was no need to subpoena him (Eric Kaiser) or the trial attorney because they were officers of the court and they both would promise to be at the Appellate Court's ordered evidential hearing... and neither showed up, resulting in the trial court judge refusing to listen to the tapes of Eric Kaiser's recorded conversations. If someone was to ever start looking into Eric Kaisers prosecuted cases, a pattern of improper conduct would begin to emerge to prove just how crooked he is.

2006-11-29 14:19:58 -
I agree Rich adams i liked your artical it was great.

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