Computer Crime Research Center


Ranking network security breaches

Date: October 18, 2004
By: Jim Bernardo

IN a 2004 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey, security practitioners from major US corporations, financial, medical institutions and government agencies participated in a recent CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey. The declining trend year-on-year of total loss is a good sign of cyber security awareness in the US.

For 2004, in terms of cost to business, the denial-of-service attack has taken over theft of proprietary company information from the prior survey. Virus-related breaches rank the most costly. Here’s a quick rundown of the 2004 survey result, in terms of dollar amount of losses (cost to business per year) by security breach type:

1) Viruses -- 55 million dollars
2) Denial-of-service attacks -- 26 million dollars
3) Data theft -- 11.5 million dollars
4) Insider Net abuse -- 10.6 million dollars
5) Abuse of wireless network -- 10.2 million dollars

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